Top 10 most important features for male facial attractiveness
(in order of importance)
1. Facial leanness
- Appearance of “tight” facial skin without any visible facial fat sagging.
2. Eyes
- Deep set compact eye area with great orbital bone support.
- Straight upper and lower eyelids (no scleral show).
- Wide, thick, closet set (vertically) eyebrows (visible inner and outer corners eyebrows region).
3. Facial angularity
- Well-defined, angular zygos (cheekbones), jawline and square chin.
4. Facial width
- FWHR (1.8+) and bigonial width ratio around 0.9 (bizygomatic width/bigonial width).
5. Mouth and lips
- Mouth width 1.5 times the nose base width and 30% of the bizygomatic width.
- Full lips with 1:1.6 ratio (the lower lip having slightly more volume than the upper lip).
6. Health indicators
- Clear, homogenous skin texture without acne, acne scars or signs of skin aging.
- Straight hairline without balding patterns.
7. Nose
- Straight nose (without dorsal hump).
- Symmetrical.
- Nasal base width between 1/4-1/5 of the bizygomatic width.
- Neutral nose tip rotation (no excessive downturn or upturn).
8. Midface
- Midface ratio (ipd/midface height) should be around 0.95-1 and EME (eye mouth eye) angle around 48.
9. Facial symmetry
- Eyebrows, mouth, nose, occlusion plane, mandible, masseters, chin and facial fat distribution between left and right sides of the face.
10. Skin quality and coloring
- Homogeneous skin colour (no acne, red spots or acne scars). Perceived as more attractive and healthy.
- A balanced combination of red and yellow undertones in the skin, as this coloring is preferable for increased male attractiveness and linked to perceptions of health and vitality.